Thursday 5 January 2017

The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Once Upon a Time (why reinvent the wheel?) I wrote a very personal, relatively popular blog. (No, I'm not telling you the URL.)  Time got away from me, family got in the way of me, and it withered and died.  Five house moves, three presidential elections, two children, and one serious spell of depression later I've decided to get back on the horse.  Why?

Writing is both cathartic and stimulating for me.  As a full-time mom, I neeeeeeeeeeeed to exercise zee little grey cells a bit, lest what's left of my once reasonably academic intellect permenantly go the way of the previous blog.  Even more importantly, however, I have something to say.  For years I had no thoughts I felt worthy of sharing*, and unlike the current POTUS-in-waiting I don't social media just to read the sound of my own voice.  And lastly, I miss my ether-friends.  They were real, and they were good.

So here we go again: raise the main sail, raise your glass, activate your sarcasm, and dance!

*Depression-linked lack of confidence in my own voice, too bogged down with thoughts of nappies and school, or a combination of the two.